
Impact Resources Inc.
Legal Disclaimer for Investors

The presentation or written information (“Presentation”) you have received has been prepared by Impact Resources, Inc. (the “Company”). It should not be considered as an offer or invitation to subscribe for or purchase any securities in the Company or as an inducement to make an offer or invitation with respect to those securities. No agreement to subscribe for securities in the Company will be entered into on the basis of this Presentation or any information, opinions or conclusions expressed in the course of this Presentation.

This Presentation is not a prospectus or other offering document under U.S. law or under any other law. It has been prepared for information purposes only. This Presentation contains general summary information and does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any individual investor. It is not investment advice and prospective investors should obtain their own independent advice from qualified financial advisors having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs.

This Presentation and information, opinions or conclusions expressed in the course of this Presentation contains forecasts and forward-looking information. Such forecasts, projections and information are not a guarantee of future performance, and involve unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results and developments will almost certainly differ materially from those expressed or implied. There are a number of risks, both specific to the Company, and of a general nature which may affect the future operating and financial performance of the Company, and the value of an investment in any of those entities including and not limited to economic conditions, stock market fluctuations, funding, regulatory risks, operational risks, and reliance on key personnel. The production targets in this Presentation or expressed during the course of this Presentation are subject to the Company’s ability to obtain necessary funding and to implement its business plan as outlined herein.

This Presentation speaks as of December 12, 2021. Neither the delivery of this presentation nor any further discussions by the Company or its representatives with any of the recipients shall, under any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the Company since such date. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update or correct any information included in this presentation.