
18.3% of U.S. Businesses are Minority-Owned…
19.19% are Women-Owned…
78% of All Entrepreneurs Fail –
Even When They’re Fully Funded!
The U.S. Small Business Support Infrastructure is comprised of
thousands of public agencies, and private sector institutions and providers.
Together they administer resources that have helped millions of entrepreneurs
build and grow small businesses.
Clearly this infrastructure is vast and effective,
Yet with all it provides, we’re left with a burning question…

small business support

If the U.S. Small Business Support Infrastructure
was sufficient for all aspiring entrepreneurs,
wouldn’t we see parity of entrepreneurial success
in all segments of the population?

Yes, we would. And yet entrepreneurial success statistics consistently reflect disparity, revealing a significant GAP in the U.S. Small Business Support Infrastructure.

It’s time to close this gap with a specialized piece of infrastructure dedicated to offsetting the unique challenges, circumstances, constraints, and commitments that consistently block women, minorities, and underserved Americans from achieving entrepreneurial success.

After more than 4 decades of extensive research and experience,
We have identified and assembled the critical components to
build and operate that missing infrastructure.
The Democratize Entrepreneurship Infrastructure
The Only Start-To-Exit, Comprehensive,
Done-For-You-Done-With-You Business Development Infrastructure TM
For Aspiring Entrepreneurs Who Are
Too Busy Trying to Survive to Achieve the American Dream

The Democratize Entrepreneurship Infrastructure provides a different path to successful innovation and business ownership with an extensive platform strategically and operationally designed to create parity for Americans who have been historically blocked from entrepreneurship due to racial, gender, economic, social, and age inequities; physical and mental disabilities; and military, educational, or familial obligations.

Our mission is to help women, minorities, and underserved Americans maximize their unique ideas, culture, talents, skills, and experiences while honoring the challenges, circumstances, constraints, and commitments that define their lives, so anyone with an idea that has a strong potential to make a profitable impact in consumers’ lives can build and own thriving businesses without having to risk their security, abandon their commitments, or spend a penny of their hard-earned cash to make it happen.

The Democratize Entrepreneurship Infrastructure is powered by proprietary systems and formulas that have been meticulously developed, tested, and proven by the Impact Resources Executive Leadership Team.

Together with hundreds of hand-selected employees, apprentices, interns, and on-call experts, the Impact Resources High-Performance Team is prepared to work with, and on behalf of, selected “Founders” to research, develop, market, and scale their ideas into innovative products and services that make a measurable difference in people’s lives.

The Democratize Entrepreneurship Infrastructure is looking ahead to launch hundreds of new businesses per year in every industry from trades to technology in collaboration with the U.S. Small Business Support Infrastructure. Capitalizing on economies of scale, we have planned for an ever-expanding team to maximize impact, minimize wasted time and expense, mitigate risk for all stakeholders, and generate significant returns for Founders and the partners who fund their growth.

Now is the time to close the gap in the U.S. Small Business Support Infrastructure with the Democratize Entrepreneurship Infrastructure. Together, we can transform the disparity of entrepreneurship by expanding access to and achievement of, the American Dream for women, minorities, and underserved Americans.

Click here to Meet Our Team, Learn More About Our Research, or Contact Us.

If you’ve got an idea for a product or service that could make a measurable difference in people’s lives, click here to discover how we can help you grow your impact with ongoing complimentary training and attend our next live event.


“Together our impact will be far greater than any we will ever make alone.“

– Wendy Lipton-Dibner, M.A.
CEO, Impact Resources, Inc.
CEO, Professional Impact, Inc.